Numerous misconceptions circulate within society, particularly concerning women engaging in gym activities. One of the most prevalent fallacies is the belief that females will develop excessive muscle bulk as if the gym is solely intended for males. Another misguided notion is that women should refrain from lifting weights, for the fear that it might diminish their facial radiance. I’ve chosen to ignore baseless claims and joined a gym to improve my well-being, enhance fitness, and lead a more active lifestyle.
Breaking the Ice
Nervous, I walked into Headquarters, my first gym experience. My husband had shared stories about his time at the gym, but my feelings were quite different. Despite being familiar with handling complex critical care medical equipment in the ICU, I was really scared to even touch the large machines in the gym. When I approached the front desk, I asked for help or, to put it more honestly, I practically begged them to find someone who could show me how everything works 😀.
Then, a young man in his twenties walked over, looking fit and wearing a mask (this was during the time of COVID-19, by the way). He introduced himself as Satish (sattyfitnation), a trainer at the gym. I started talking a bunch, telling him I’m a doctor and used to be an athlete in school, blah blah. He paid attention and heard me out. We started with the treadmill, but here’s the twist—I was finding it difficult to walk on it. I took these tiny baby steps (pretty embarrassing), but he was cool about it. He told me not to worry and that I’d get better at it. We did it for 10 minutes, and then he introduced me to all sorts of machines like the cross-runner, ladder, stepper, etc. We even did some core exercises.
More inquiries?

That day, it hit me hard how inflexible my body had become. When I look back at the past 10 years, my journey includes getting married, raising two wonderful kids, and successfully managing the intricate dance between family and work. Everything feels incredibly satisfying. But amidst all that, where was I? Had I somehow disappeared into the whirlwind around me? I can’t claim I wasn’t content during those years. The priorities were different.
Within a short time frame, efficiently learned diverse exercises targeting various body parts. Of course, unquestionably bolstered my confidence in utilizing the treadmill😀. I began eagerly anticipating the evenings to head to the gym.
Within just a month, I started noticing a clear change in my body—shedding a few inches and gaining muscle mass as well😌. Now it’s been more than 1.5 years into this wonderful voyage. Must say I am currently embodying the optimal version of myself.
Lessons and Insights Gained Along the Way
👉 Strength training helps women build lean muscle mass, which not only contributes to a toned appearance but also boosts metabolism.
👉Improve cardiovascular health by lowering bad cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol, and in turn, this will help to lower blood pressure.
👉Improves the way the body processes sugar and reduces the risk of diabetes.
👉 Positively influence hormonal balance. Improves insulin sensitivity (better diabetic control) and the release of endorphins. This can have a positive impact on mood and energy levels.
👉Strengthening the muscles around joints provides better support and protection. Hence, reduces the risk of injuries and promotes overall joint health.
👉 Building core strength and strengthening key muscle groups contributes to better posture. This can alleviate back pain and reduce the risk of musculoskeletal issues.
👉Achieving strength and fitness goals can significantly boost self-esteem and confidence, leading to a positive mindset in other areas of life too.
We need to tailor our strength training routines to our fitness levels, goals, and any potential health considerations. Consulting with a fitness professional or taking personal training can help create a safe and effective strength training program.
“Believe in new possibilities”